Gesher is a Hebrew word that translates to bridge in English. Yoga offers us exactly that; a bridge that yokes our outer world of skin, muscles and bones to our inner world of breath, soul and intuition. Jewish Spirituality also instructs us on how to live a life that is simultaneously secular and sacred through the ancient teachings found in the Torah, commentary on the Torah, historic and contemporary midrashim (stories), prayers, and mitzvot (commandments) and ultimately by listening for the still small voice of the Divine who dwells within each of us.
How does a Gesher Yoga & Jewish Spirituality Session differ from a typical yoga class?
In a Gesher Yoga & Jewish Spirituality session we begin with a pasuk (verse) of Torah (teaching), T’fillah (prayer) or Middah (soul quality). An aspect of this pasuk becomes a thread woven throughout the asana (posture) practice and gives the student a concept to reach for in their mind, heart, body and spirit as the session unfolds. Also incorporated into the practice is a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy tool for self-inquiry. The question: “What’s happening now?” is offered at selected moments within the structure of the class to allow the student to dive deeper into the present moment…the simple yet potent question “What’s happening now” becomes a Gesher, linking each persons mental, physical, emotional and spiritual experience to the teaching as well as their own sacred intelligence.
About Laura’s Yoga Experience:
Laura has been practicing yoga since the early 1990’s. Her first experience of yoga as a Jewish spiritual practice was through P’nai Or Fellowship, a Jewish Renewal Community in Philadelphia a few years later. It wasn’t until she met Rabbi Myriam Klotz through the Institute for Jewish Spirituality however, (where Laura completed an 18 month in-depth spiritual leadership program for Jewish Educators), that she began to truly understand the potential of combining the ancient wisdom of Judaism and Yoga. Laura was fortunate to go on to be one of the first graduates of the Yoga & Jewish Spirituality Teacher’s Certification Program at Elat Chayyim with Rabbi Klotz and Diane Bloomfield (author and founder of the Torah Yoga Association in Jerusalem, Israel). Laura is continuing to expand her yoga knowledge as she is halfway through her dual certification as a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner and Phoenix Rising Yoga Teacher. Some of Laura’s teaching experiences include: Yoga & Jewish Spirituality classes at Prozdor High School in Newton, Ma. She has been a featured educator at events such as Cornerstone Fellowship, a program offered through the Foundation for Jewish Camping and Jewbilee, a retreat offered through TCI (The Curriculum Initiative). Laura was also interviewed by author Paula Amann and featured with several other Jewish yoga teachers in the summer issue of Jewish Women’s Magazine.
Laura often shares her love of Y&JS by leading yoga as an alternative to shacharit on Shabbat mornings at her community synagogue, Temple Beth Abraham in Nashua NH. (click to find out when the next Gesher Y&JS Session is happening-please join us if you happen to be in NH at the time!)
© 2008 Laura Hegfield All rights reserved.